Alright so! I figured I would create a note here so people could reference it in the future. Before I get into my Droid setup, I need to throw down a kind of disclaimer:
Just because you never know: I am not responsible for any physical damage or disrepair to your phone that may result from the knowledge I drop in this article.
Also, as you can imagine it would be a constant climb uphill if people asked me for tutorials on how to do each and every thing I list here or provide via screenshots. So instead of asking me how to do things I don’t explain here (since I’m hardly an expert on these matters), I’d really appreciate it if you instead check out these forums to find answers to your questions: (a bit more advanced)
For my friends who are much more learned in Android development and nuances, please don’t hesitate to point out anything I’ve defined or described incorrectly! Everyone else, I’m a grammar/spelling Nazi so don’t let me be a hypocrite.
*Apps I purchased or downloaded are in Italics. I’ve listed them at the end w/ description and barcodes.
1. Roms and Rooting
2. Booting up and Home screens
3. My phone is fast
4. Wrappin it up
5. Applications
Roms and Rooting
I recently (as in last night) updated my Motorola Droid to a build of the new Android 2.2 (codename Froyo). I did this via gaining root access, purchasing/installing Rom Manager, and by reading the above forums for detailed instructions on how to do so. The custom rom I am currently running is the Froyo Kangerade V1.0 (Key Lime Pie theme) + P3Droid 1.1 kernel. A rom is a stock or custom build image of the Android operating system. For people who bought the Motorola Droid early on, you might have received an over-the-air (OTA) update from Android 2.0 (codename Éclair) to Android 2.1 (also Éclair). Google chose to codename each new build of Android based on desserts :p And what is root? Root is the term to describe the “administrator” status, meaning you have full control over what happens on your phone. Careful though, ‘cause if you do it wrong you’ll brick your phone and you’ll be stuck at the loading screen….forreeeevveeerrr*!
*Not necessarily
The custom rom I am currently running is the Froyo Kangerade V1.0 (Key Lime Pie theme) + P3Droid 1.1 kernel. Rom Manager made it incredibly easy, but this was only after I figured out how to root the Motorola Droid several months ago. There are possible dangers to the rooting process, but there are also many benefits if you succeed. Check out an informational post and guide here (you’ll need to register). Look here if you don’t have a Motorola Droid. I’d suggest devoting an entire Saturday and/or Sunday to this because it may be trial and error, and your phone is unusable during the process. The forums and Google are your best friends!
Booting up and Home screens

Droid users with the stock Android have the Droid Eye as their boot screen. With root, I made Super Mario my loading screen. Next up is my lock screen with clear unlock and mute slide buttons, a unique font, and the black notification bar. That’s all part of the custom rom and theme applied with it.

On my main home screen, the widgets from top to bottom are Power Widget, Power Control widget, System Info Widget, SMS Unread Count, Advanced Task Killer, and SetCPU. The bar of gray icons at the bottom is part of my home replacement app called LauncherPro. Home replacement apps are great because they provide you with variations on how you’d like your phone to present content. I’ve tried Home++, iHome, PandaHome, aHome, dxTop, Sweeter Home, HelixLauncher, SlideScreen, Open Gesture, and probably a couple more. Each of them offer something unique to the user so I encourage you to check any of them out if you want more functionality/efficiency, looks, or variation to your phone. I prefer LauncherPro because it offers the pros of the stock Android home screen(s), the pros of the iPhone OS (docked applications no matter what home screen you’re on), and it makes the phone feel much snappier.

The left home screen consists of the Pandora and stock Music widgets, my beautiful girlfriend, and shortcuts to directly message and call her. These shortcuts are extremely convenient if you’ve got someone(s) you text/call frequently and don’t wanna scroll through contacts to find. To add them, long press on the screen like you would to add widgets, folders or change the wallpaper. Notice how my dock at the bottom sticks! Oh so convenient…

The right home screen (from top to bottom) is the stock News and Weather, Android Guys 2, Forecast info, and the widget for my life saving finance website and app:
I have just 3 home screens currently because I have all the widgets I need on them and 4 of my most used apps are available at the bottom (+4 when you scroll as seen in main vs. left screenshots) via LauncherPro. You can have up to 7 if need them.
My phone is fast
Like my friend Dan, Lag is in my top 5 most hated things in the entire world. This is why I am constantly on the lookout to find ways to make my phone faster to keep up with my increasingly taxing phone tasks. Here are my 5 ULTIMATE apps for keeping my phone super fast:
A) A task manager – I use Advanced Task Killer Pro ($4.99). Kill apps that you’re not using to free up memory for others. You can uncheck any that you’d like to consistently save from the “Kill All” option.
B) CacheMate for Root users ($1) – this clears the cache from apps to help free up much needed space
C) MinFreeManager (Free) – I don’t know quite how to explain this application, but it basically ensures that your memory isn’t being wasted on applications that don’t need it. In Aggressive mode, it reclaims memory from applications that have allotted it but don’t need it.
D) Startup Auditor – I hated when my phone would take forever to startup. This is because there are a lot of applications that default to run at startup. However, a lot of them don’t need to be so I use this app to go through and ‘Startup Disable’ just about all of them.
E) SetCPU ($2.99? and needs Root) – This app is best utilized when you’ve installed a custom rom with a kernel capable of overclocking** your phone’s CPU. If you successfully achieve root and can flash roms, either you’ll discover its uses on your own or you can ask me and I’ll be happy to show you! This is the last (and best) secret.
**Overclocking will void your warranty and theoretically shorten the lifespan of your phone. But, there are obviously speedy benefits.
Wrappin it up
More than likely, this informative post will be the little push for those of you who have been dying or curious to discover the full potential of your phone. If you’d never considered the possibility I’ll be happy if I’ve at least piqued your curiosity. Hope this has helped!
- Barcode Scanner – this can be used to download apps via scanning their barcode on a page like this! Search the Market for this one.
Rom Manager -
Rom Manager -
Power Widget
System Info Widget
Other Apps I use
- Adobe Reader
- andLess – for playing FLAC audio files and other interesting types
- AndroZip and ASTRO – File managers to view files on your SD card
- Audio Manager – lets me set profiles to control my volume in various situations
- BetterCut – I don’t use it right now, but its great for creating very specific, custom shortcuts to applications, app settings, and system settings
- Camera ZOOM FX – way better than any Camera app on your phone
- Chrome to Phone (Froyo EXCLUSIVE) – this comes with Froyo and I LOVE it! Send pages/maps you’re viewing on Google Chrome to your phone!
- Dolphin Browser HD – takes a bit to get used to, but much better than the regular browser
- Droidbox Free – view and access your Dropbox from your phone
- eBuddy – this is a fast, easy and bug free IM app
- Foursquare – ask Google haha
- Gmote – I use this app to remotely control my computer!
- – for all you other lovers out there (better than Pandora IMHO)
- Lookout – An antivirus app for whenever viruses become a problem on Android phones. Might as well be prepared!
- MyBackup Pro – a MUST if you plan on messing with your phone. A bit pricey but worth every penny to backup all applications and their data.
- Ringdroid – Make your own ringtones out of songs on your phone
- Robo Defense – just a fun game
- Runstar – free, amazing way to track your runs.
- ShootMe – how I got the screenshots of my phone’s screen
- Sleepy Time – A sound machine that was worth every penny
- Smart Keyboard Pro – my favorite substitute for the stock Android keyboard. The spacing between characters is WAY better for improving your accuracy
- Swype – a very unique way of typing (or is it swyping?). You’ll need to Google this one.
- Touch Timer – just a simple timer
- Uninstaller – comprehensive way to install your applications
- Wired Tether for Root Users – how I’m able to browse the internet on my Desktop via my phone
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